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Moderator Retroforum
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About RM

  • Rank
  • Birthday 12/31/1983


  • Geslacht
  • Console
    NES / GB / Wii / Wii U / Switch

Profile Fields

  • Interesses
    Gamen, TV Programma's (inclusief series en tekenfilms), Pools, Contests...

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32,352 profile views

RM's Awards

Wolfieaward winnaar

Awarded , by djkoelkast

Winnaar van de PDC WK Darts 2017 sportpoule

Wolfieaward winnaar

Awarded , by djkoelkast

Winnaar van de PDC WK Darts 2017 sportpoule

Wolfieaward winnaar

Awarded , by djkoelkast

Winnaar van de PDC WK Darts 2017 sportpoule

Mario Music Contest Winnaar Award

Awarded , by djkoelkast

Winnaar van de Mario Music Contest 01-11-2016

Mario Music Contest Winnaar Award

Awarded , by djkoelkast

Winnaar van de Mario Music Contest 01-11-2016

Mario Music Contest Winnaar Award

Awarded , by djkoelkast

Winnaar van de Mario Music Contest 01-11-2016

Muziek met Connectie 4 Contest winnaar award

Awarded , by TMP

Winaar van de Muziek met Connectie 4 Contest

Muziek met Connectie 4 Contest winnaar award

Awarded , by TMP
Winaar van de Muziek met Connectie 4 Contest

Muziek met Connectie 4 Contest winnaar award

Awarded , by TMP
Winaar van de Muziek met Connectie 4 Contest


Awarded , by djkoelkast

Voor het bijhouden van alle awards. Heel erg bedankt!


Awarded , by djkoelkast
Voor het bijhouden van alle awards. Heel erg bedankt!


Awarded , by djkoelkast
Voor het bijhouden van alle awards. Heel erg bedankt!

Voices Of Cartoons 4 Contest runner-up-award

Awarded , by TMP

Runner-up van de Voices Of Cartoons 4 Contest

Voices Of Cartoons 4 Contest runner-up-award

Awarded , by TMP
Runner-up van de Voices Of Cartoons 4 Contest

Voices Of Cartoons 4 Contest runner-up-award

Awarded , by TMP
Runner-up van de Voices Of Cartoons 4 Contest

Voices Of Cartoons 2 Contest runner-up award

Awarded , by TMP

Runner-up van de Voices Of Cartoons 2 Contest

Voices Of Cartoons 2 Contest runner-up award

Awarded , by TMP
Runner-up van de Voices Of Cartoons 2 Contest

Voices Of Cartoons 2 Contest runner-up award

Awarded , by TMP
Runner-up van de Voices Of Cartoons 2 Contest

12 Inch Extended Songs Contest runner-up award

Awarded , by TMP

Runner-up van de 12 Inch Extended Songs Contest

12 Inch Extended Songs Contest runner-up award

Awarded , by TMP
Runner-up van de 12 Inch Extended Songs Contest

12 Inch Extended Songs Contest runner-up award

Awarded , by TMP
Runner-up van de 12 Inch Extended Songs Contest

EK 2012 Pool runner-up award

Awarded , by TMP

Runner-up EK 2012 Pool

EK 2012 Pool runner-up award

Awarded , by TMP
Runner-up EK 2012 Pool

EK 2012 Pool runner-up award

Awarded , by TMP
Runner-up EK 2012 Pool

Muziek Met Connectie 2 Contest winnaar-award

Awarded , by TMP

Winnaar van de Muziek Met Connectie 2 Contest

Muziek Met Connectie 2 Contest winnaar-award

Awarded , by TMP
Winnaar van de Muziek Met Connectie 2 Contest

Muziek Met Connectie 2 Contest winnaar-award

Awarded , by TMP
Winnaar van de Muziek Met Connectie 2 Contest

Zomerhits Contest runner-up award

Awarded , by TMP

Runner-up van de Zomerhits Contest

Zomerhits Contest runner-up award

Awarded , by TMP
Runner-up van de Zomerhits Contest

Zomerhits Contest runner-up award

Awarded , by TMP
Runner-up van de Zomerhits Contest
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