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Hi guys, I'm new to the forum and I turn to you for advice on a photoplay as far as I know not.

I have a photoplay dongle parallel model blue 2001 (IT), all working perfectly.

My idea was to create an image of the hard disk inside so that when I will no longer work to restore an image to a new harddisk.

I started to do some tests and I can not boot the system with the copy I made ​​on another hard drive of course, I get an error at startup of the system.

Now I ask you who know more than me, the dongle controls serial hard drive inside to work?

How can I fix the problem? If I have omitted some information that I see tell me to write!

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Hi, welcome to Retroforum!

What tool did you use to clone the drive?

The data on the drive is encrypted, it can not be copied through Windows or DOS, you should use a cloning OS like G4U,

but be very careful with that, only do this when you know what you're doing, it's very easy to screw up and lose everything.

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Thank you very much for the answer in the meantime, to make the clone I tried with norton ghost with no results, I wanted to try to use Acronis True Image, you say you will give me the same problem?

I do not know this system, you could explain it better? You say that the problem is linked to the image made​​?

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I think you are using Google Translate to translate the text, so some stuff may not really be as it should :P

There is a possibility to make an image with Ghost, but it needs to be an old DOS version of Ghost. I don't know which one, you could ask user T42: http://www.retroforum.nl/user/641-t42/ because he did it before.

My best option would be to not make an image, but clone the disk directly with G4U: http://www.feyrer.de/g4u/

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As alternative, if you want a bit-correct clone of the harddrive, without all the modern techniques, you can try dd in linux.

It's a bit more complicated because you need to know a thing or 2 about linux, especially how the drives are called and how to use the console.

There is a chance you know a bit or 2 about linux, so here is the command (for modern linux versions)

sudo dd if=/dev/sd[x] of=/home/[username]/image.bin

Where [x] is the letter the drive is mapped and [username] is the user account you are using within linux.

The process will take a while. Around 3 pots of coffee, or 1 bottle of whiskey, depending how fast you drink.

After the process, you will need to change the owner of the file, because root made the file (hence the sudo) with:

sudo chown [username] \home\[username]\image.bin

DO NOT put a device name in of= or you will be overwriting the physical drive on that location. No warnings whatsoever..!..!

There is a possibility that the drive is "automounted". You will have to unmount the drive before using dd. You can do this with the following command:

sudo umount /dev/sd[x][y]/[code]

Where [x] is te letter the drive is mapped and [y] is the partition number.

Edited by Ross
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Yes I'm using google translated, my english is not the best:-D

We hope that you quoted is heard and enlighten me!

Now I give a look on the link to G4U and see if I can figure something out, however it is difficult to use?


I might also try the option linux but that version of linux mount? maybe a live? is there already the dd program or need to download it separately?

Edited by Mandarancino
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G4U is based on FreeBSD, it will act like Linux, but it's a dedicated Operating System for cloning a drive. It is quite easy to use, but you should look what drives you use, because if you clone your new drive to your old all data is lost.

G4U will run like this from CD:

copydisk sd0 sd1

But be really sure which drive is SD0 and which SD1, may even be other letters (like WD0), so check 3 times before doing anything. There is no stopping it. Boot the CD with both harddisks connected. Boot into G4U, type: disks and be sure which is which.

Then type: copydisk source destination

Wait. Complete.

Test drive in the Photoplay.

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in the bios i not see label of dma.....!!

and now??

EDIT@ now not run the original HDD...........................................i dont know why...the pc stop at boot when VERIFYING DMI POOL DATA........

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Wichtige Updates:

Ich schaffte es, das Rätsel zu lösen, habe ich eine Kopie mit Acronis True Image und es funktioniert super, ist das Motherboard in Frage einer von denen mit der Tastatur Befestigung für AT / XT habe ich einen Adapter habe, trat ich in die BIOS und Hacking Hacking Ich schaffte es, dass es in der Praxis funktionieren, weiß ich nicht warum, aber wenn ich die hd entfernt, und ich versuchte, das Klonen zu tun, hatte Zeit, um das Original in den Wagen setzen einige Werte im Bios verändert und passte nicht!

Wie auch immer ich wusste, dass viele Dinge über diese Maschinen und alle angeschlossenen Dongle ist eine spezielle Version des Systems, wenn er mal ein Update mit der Notwendigkeit, den Dongle für das Update zu ersetzen!

für jetzt, das ist okay!

Vielen Dank an alle!

PS Informationen ist natürlich vorhanden!

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Major updates:

I managed to solve the mystery, I made a copy with ACRONIS TRUE IMAGE and it works great, the motherboard in question is one of those with the keyboard attachment for AT / XT I've got an adapter, I entered the bios and hacking hacking I managed to make it work in practice I do not know why but when I removed the hd, and I tried to do the cloning, time to put the original one in the car had changed some values ​​in the bios and did not fit!

Anyway I knew many things about these machines and any attached dongle is a specific version of the system, if it gets an update with the need to replace the dongle for the update!

for now that's okay!

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  • 1 year later...

mag ik hier mijn vragen over de photoplay 2000 zetten @djkoelkast ?


blijkbaar heb je nogal wat ervaring met die photoplay's vandaar mijn vraag.. 

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ik vind nergens de maak nieuw topic knop :D , dus maar even hier dan ,


ik heb een photoplay 2000 met igo 2002be en bijhorende groene dongle die op de printerpoort zit de igo staat nu al op een cfcard van 2gb(dit heb ik zelf niet gedaan)  de inhoud van pc is van een masters kast .


mijn vraag is ik zou een backup willen doen van de cfcard voor geval als deze stuk gaat ik zie in een ander topic dat ze G4U en acronis gebruiken is dit nogaltijd de beste manier acronis lijkt me wel geen slechte optie enkel dat deze via windows gaat lijkt me minder voor de veiligheid van de data ik spreek de originele hdd niet graag aan in windows..  mss dat ik G4U ga gebruiken ook weet ik dat ik goed moet oppassen de originele niet te overschrijven ..


men andere vraag ik heb de  igo 2007 DE versie gedownload die zou ik graag gaan gebruiken dat deze een blauwe 2007 dongle nodig heeft weet ik maar de vraag hierover ik wil overgaan van de cfkaart naar een sd kaart is dit mogelijk wss wel ?  


is het niet mogelijk om de igo2007 te installeren recht op een blanco sdkaart ?

het updaten van de photoplay2000 is normaal via een speciale box van photoplay zelf kan het niet zonder ? bv met aansluiten van een dvdspeler zoals gebeurt op de spirit ? weet ook iemand me te vertellen welke dvdspeler/modellen te gebruiken zijn ?

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